Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball Z has only grown more popular over the past four decades and it’s repeatedly proven itself as a groundbreaking shonen success that’s irrevocably changed the industry. Dragon Ball Z has continued to evolve in the form of sequels and expanded universe stories that have helped push the property to even greater places. Modern Dragon Ball entries like Dragon Ball Super and Dragon Ball DAIMA wouldn’t exist without Dragon Ball Z’s impressive foundation.
Many of Dragon Ball’s more recent moments have become unforgettable additions to the franchise, but this isn’t to say that the anime’s past heights still don’t leave an impression on fans. In fact, there are many powerful sequences from Dragon Ball Z that hit just as hard more than two decades later. Dragon Ball Z still has the power to get audiences excited and remind them why they fell in love with the franchise in the first place.
Piccolo’s Sacrifice To Save Gohan Becomes A Defining Moment For Both Characters
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 27, “Nimbus Speed”

Dragon Ball Z’s introductory Saiyan Saga is a traumatic period for everyone involved and it introduces the heroes to a whole new tier of villainy with the indomitable Saiyans. Goku eventually takes Vegeta on in a cathartic clash of strength, which in itself is an unforgettable moment. However, there’s even greater catharsis on display with the material that proceeds it. Nappa, Vegeta’s burly and aggressive partner, is responsible for the deaths of three heroic characters – Chiaotzu, Tien, and Piccolo. All these casualties are tragic, but Piccolo’s death is a game-changing moment that forever redefines what he represents. Piccolo was still a villain going into Dragon Ball Z and he stumbled into the prospect of training Gohan after Goku perished during their battle against Raditz.
Piccolo takes on Gohan as his student because the Earth is in need of more powerful warriors. Piccolo doesn’t anticipate that he’ll form a true connection with the young son of his former rival. Piccolo has never felt like a person before he meets Gohan and the kindness that’s shown to him doesn’t go unappreciated. Nappa launches a deadly blast in Gohan’s direction, which Piccolo intercepts in order to save his friend. Piccolo succumbs to his injuries, which also means the end of Earth’s Dragon Balls. Everything about this sequence hits its mark. Piccolo’s sacrifice comes as a genuine surprise and it’s proof that he’s properly redeemed himself into a hero. This gesture permanently unites Piccolo and Gohan with a bond that carries on to this day.
Future Trunks Becomes A Super Saiyan & Kills Frieza
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 120, “Another Super Saiyan?”

A good introduction goes a long way in Dragon Ball Z, but no character makes a better first impression than Future Trunks. The heroes are paralyzed in fear when it’s revealed that Frieza actually survived his battle against Goku and that he’s come to Earth to get revenge. Goku and Vegeta are both nowhere to be seen during this attack, which leaves Earth’s heroes terrified over their ability to win this fight. Suddenly, a mysterious teenager shows up who not only transforms into a Super Saiyan, but he proceeds to eliminate Frieza – and his father, King Cold – with ease.
Future Trunks’ arrival permanently changes Dragon Ball Z’s status quo through the revelation that Goku isn’t the only Super Saiyan and that this powerful transformation is merely a stepping-stone to greater strength. It’s also a stark reality check of how much stronger Dragon Ball Z’s characters have become and that a previously-impossible threat like Frieza is now child’s play. Future Trunks’ debut remains an unforgettable moment.
Vegeta Defeats Android 19 & Saves Goku
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 130, “The Secret Of Dr. Gero”

Evil Androids have become a running tradition in Dragon Ball Z and the heroes have their work cut out for them when it comes to Dr. Gero’s malevolent creations. Androids 16, 17, and 18 play the biggest role in the Cell Saga, while Androids 19 and 20 are merely a tease of what’s to come. Goku confidently takes on Android 19, who is by far the weakest of the Androids. However, he’s suddenly afflicted by his dormant heart virus, which leaves him particularly vulnerable to Android 19’s aggressive attacks. No one else is strong enough to lend a hand to help out Goku and it looks like he’s about to lose against Android 19 before Vegeta makes his grand entrance.
This is Vegeta’s big opportunity to prove that he’s also tapped into Super Saiyan strength, which he gleefully shows off as he eviscerates Android 19 and saves Goku’s life. This is such a gratifying flipped power dynamic and it’s quite rare for Vegeta to be stronger than Goku. This satisfying showcase of Vegeta’s evolved abilities is an all-time classic moment. However, Vegeta takes extreme pleasure in how he taunts and tortures Android 19. Vegeta’s question regarding whether Androids experience fear is also one of his greatest lines and it makes this moment even better.
Goku & Vegeta Fuse Into Vegito
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 268, “Union Of Rivals”

Dragon Ball Z taps into a successful, albeit slightly repetitive, formula where each new villain that’s faced is progressively stronger than their predecessor. Dragon Ball Z’s heroes are often able to match this power through rigorous training and intimidating Super Saiyan transformations. However, Majin Buu is such a phenomenal threat that Dragon Ball Z introduces fusion – a powerful process that pools together the strength and skills of two individuals – as a plausible solution. Fusion is first explored with Goten and Trunks, who utilize the Metamoran fusion dance to become Gotenks. Goku finds himself in a similar place of desperation against Super Buu and he’s given the Potara Earrings by Old Kai.
Goku searches for a suitable fusion partner and initially considers both Gohan and Tien before they’re no longer viable options and he coaxes Vegeta into this union. Goku and Vegeta have a complicated history and the fact that these two former rivals are willing to share the same body is a testament to how far they’ve come and the severity of the situation at hand. Any fusion is an epic cause for celebration, but it’s particularly thrilling to witness the raw power of Vegito. Goku and Vegeta have subsequently turned to fusion as a viable battle strategy – both as Vegito and as Gogeta – but this initial transformation stands above the rest.
Gohan Realizes His Potential & Ascends To Super Saiyan 2 Status Dragon Ball Z, Episode 185, “Awakening”

Dragon Ball Z’s Cell Saga proliferates the Super Saiyan transformation to the point that every Saiyan in the anime achieves this transformation, not to mention several mid-step stages, like Super Saiyan Second and Third Grade. The Cell Games culminates in an epic showdown between Goku and Perfect Cell and audiences are conditioned to expect Goku to emerge victorious. Dragon Ball Z brilliantly subverts expectations and uses Cell as the perfect opportunity for Goku to finally tap into his dormant potential, surpass his father, and prove that he’s Earth’s strongest hero.
This is something that Dragon Ball Z had been teasing as early as the battle against Raditz and it’s incredibly satisfying to see Gohan’s character arc reach its apex. Gohan makes Super Saiyan history when he lets his emotions get the better of him and he experiences an explosive burst of rage upon Cell’s destruction of Android 16, combined with his friends’ struggles against the nefarious Cell Juniors. Every element here beautifully comes together, whether it’s the stylized visuals, inspirational background music, or the sheer intensity of Gohan’s scream. It’s no wonder that Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero explicitly calls back to this moment for Gohan’s triumphant Beast mode transformation.
Goku Returns To Earth & Effortlessly Defeats Nappa
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 28, “Goku’s Arrival”

Dragon Ball Z has several suspenseful moments where the heroes are about to be eliminated by villains, only for Goku to show up at the nick of time. Goku’s heroic arrivals always strongly resonate with fans, but Goku’s return to Earth from his first trip to Other World is easily the most powerful of these sequences. Nappa has hopelessly decimated Earth’s resources and only Krillin and Gohan remain. Goku’s help is integral here, but it’s truly remarkable that he’s become strong enough to defeat Nappa in a single punch.
Dragon Ball Z fans have watched Goku train under King Kai and perfect some powerful new techniques, but this is the first time that he’s able to put them to practice. Goku’s effortless victory over Nappa demonstrates just how much stronger he’s become and it’s the perfect way to set the stage for his imminent battle against Vegeta. Goku performs a similar feat against the Ginyu Force’s Recoome on Namek, but this moment feels like it’s intentionally trying to recreate the unpredictable magic of Goku’s encounter with Nappa.
Vegeta’s Final Explosion Against Buu Helps Him Go Out As A Hero Dragon Ball Z, Episode 237, “Final Atonement”

The heroes face many obstacles during Dragon Ball Z’s Buu Saga, yet this becomes a particularly challenging time for Vegeta. Vegeta experiences a crisis of faith where his ego and insecurities get the better of him. He succumbs to Babidi’s dark temptation and undergoes his magical manipulation in exchange for greater power. It’s truly terrifying to see Vegeta return to his dark roots. He channels years of pent-up hostility into a vicious clash against Goku. Majin Vegeta is responsible for lots of unnecessary bloodshed and he contributes to Majin Buu’s awakening. However, he attempts to take Buu out in a seismic blaze of glory. Vegeta’s Final Explosion technique is a volatile ability where he releases all of his life energy in a nuclear-level explosion.
Vegeta isn’t one to sacrifice himself or admit defeat, so his willingness to adopt such a strategy reinforces his desperation at this moment. The situation becomes even more dire when Piccolo explains to Vegeta that his death will result in his soul’s reincarnation and that they won’t be able to revive him because of all the deaths that he’s caused. Undeterred, Vegeta chooses to go out like a hero and triggers his Final Explosion technique before he says goodbye to Trunks. The Final Explosion itself is one of Dragon Ball Z’s most epic acts of destruction. However, it’s heartbreaking to learn that Buu is still able to regenerate from this level of loss and that Vegeta’s sacrifice wasn’t strong enough to take him out of the picture.
Goku’s Super Spirit Bomb Destroys Kid Buu
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 286, “Spirit Bomb Triumphant”

Goku’s Spirit Bomb is still one of his strongest techniques and it truly represents the mark of a hero, since its success is dependent upon the world trusting Goku enough to donate him their strength. If nobody contributes to Goku’s Spirit Bomb, then it can’t succeed and its power is only as strong as those who support it. Goku experiences success with the Spirit Bomb during his previous battles against Vegeta and Frieza, but he’s never actually killed anyone with it before (outside the non-canon movies). Goku’s final fight against Kid Buu is significant because it’s finally an opportunity for the Spirit Bomb to make its mark and rise to the occasion.
Goku conjures a Super Spirit Bomb that receives energy from many familiar faces throughout Dragon Ball history and it properly reflects just how much good Goku has done for the world since Dragon Ball’s start. Goku’s creation of the Super Spirit Bomb is an all-time great moment that’s only made stronger through Vegeta’s Dragon Ball wish to give Goku restored strength so that he can push it to success. It’s a team effort in the truest sense and a fitting way to finally defeat Buu.
Goku Sacrifices Himself Against Cell Dragon Ball Z, Episode 188, “A Hero’s Farewell”

Dragon Ball Z fans were genuinely shocked when Goku casually forfeits during his fight against Perfect Cell. The two powerhouses seem to be evenly matched, but Goku can see the writing on the wall and knows that Gohan is the one who is supposed to rise up against Cell. Goku proudly watches his son take the lead, but Cell’s difficulty against Gohan prompts him to turn to unscrupulous tactics to take everyone out with him. Super Saiyan 2 Gohan punches Perfect Cell with such intensity that it causes him to expel Android 18 and revert to his Semi-Perfect form.
In a desperate gambit, Cell triggers a self-destruct maneuver that’s strong enough to destroy the entire planet. The heroes have very little time to mitigate this disaster. However, Goku, without missing a beat, chooses to sacrifice himself for the greater good. He opts to use his Instant Transmission technique to teleport Cell to King Kai’s Planet, but he knows that he won’t have enough time to come back. Goku, confident that the world will be safe under Gohan’s care, gives his friends and family a heartbreaking goodbye. Goku tragically meets his end against Cell, but what makes this loss even more devastating is that Cell is still able to regenerate from his damage. He returns, stronger than ever, and Goku’s heroic sacrifice is ultimately in vain.
Goku Experiences His First Super Saiyan Transformation
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 95, “Transformed At Last”

Super Saiyan transformations have become one of Dragon Ball Z’s signature elements and it’s hard to imagine that there was a time in the anime when this valuable power boost wasn’t the norm for Saiyans. Dragon Ball Z has repeatedly topped this milestone through even stronger Super Saiyan transformations, but none are as memorable as Goku’s very first transformation. Goku’s inaugural Super Saiyan transformation on Planet Namek is such a triumphant moment because, up until this point, audiences didn’t even know if this transformation was possible or just some comforting urban legend.
Goku’s Super Saiyan transformation is also prompted by incredible loss as Goku watches Frieza kill Krillin and deliver near-fatal wounds to Piccolo. This incredible burst of power gives Goku the advantage that he’s been looking for against Frieza and it’s proof that Goku should never be underestimated. The most beautiful thing about Goku’s Super Saiyan transformation is that it doesn’t turn him into a heartless. Goku retains his heroic nature and a compulsion to support rehabilitation over retribution. It’s a glorious moment that permanently changed Dragon Ball Z, but also the shonen industry as a whole.